Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings
Beaded Hoop Earrings

Beaded Hoop Earrings

Regular price $35.00 Sale

These Native American-made beaded hoop earrings are a stunning addition to any jewelry collection. Hand-beaded with intricate designs, these earrings are not only beautiful but also hold cultural significance. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance and culture to any outfit!

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