Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*
Copper Earrings*

Copper Earrings*

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Handcrafted by Native American artisans, these stunning Copper Dangle Earrings add a touch of beauty to any outfit. Made with high-quality copper, they are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting. Elevate your style with these unique, one-of-a-kind earrings.

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